Kelly King - ACSM Certified Trainer

Get fit, anywhere, anytime with customized personal training. Available both in-home and virtually.


The Proof is in the Pudding

When I started working out with Kelly I'd never worked out before so I was a little nervous and unsure of how it would go. Kelly started slow and I worked my way up with her guidance.

Kelly always pays attention to every workout to make sure I am doing the movements correctly. She pushes me to do more but never overdoing it.

I would recommend Kelly to anyone. She will guide you and hold you accountable. It's been two years and I am in the best shape of my life at 46.

- Steven T.

About Kelly

“It wasn’t until my mid-thirties that I really started to take my fitness seriously. I always took it for granted but as I realized my next big milestone birthday would be forty, I realized that it was time.”